Tube Torus- Sacred Geometry

Everything in space/time goes through a revolving cycle: evolution and involution, birth,
life, and death, upwards and downwards, inwards and outworks, and forward and
backward. Within the Tube Torus, the Spirit descends into matter, and then as matter
ascends from matter back up through the central channel or tube of energy and
consciousness into spirit. The Tube Torus is an endless flow that cycles through and
around our bodies inclusive of all that we think, feel, sense, want, and do. It is
simultaneously spiritual, psychical, and material.
When we are flowing, glowing, and growing there is happiness, health, good
concentration and ease. Our consciousness, energy and substance are in alignment
with our purpose and with All That Is, and our being turns in an exquisite toroidal
Conversely, when someone is unwell, unhealthy, upset, blocked, or out of
balance, their consciousness-energy-substance will twist and turn unevenly, pocketed,
contorted and dis-integrated. They are not in harmony with purpose, nor with the
universal flow of life. The abundant flow is stifled, frustrated, and sadly
However, whatever it is that is holding us back, will last for longer or shorter periods.
We will come back again and again in this life and in the next to work through and
resolve and dissolve our self-created patterns, concerns, and issues. This is how we
grow to become more of our Self, in greater harmony and balance with our soul’s path,
and with the Universe at large.
It is through a practice called the activation of the Merkavah that the body and soul’s
magnetic toroidal field is established and purposefully evolved; thus, aligning us
with toroidal field of the Earth, our Solar System and Galaxy.
Indeed, when the Merkavah is activated, we are in full tube torus manifestation, and we
become a reflection of our highest potential. Everything works itself through, we are on
top of our game, and we are “in the Zone”, integrated, united with Mother Earth and the
all-witnessing Spirit above. Ideally and most gloriously, we are receivers and
transmitters of precision in goodwill, love, abundant energy, and universal wisdom. All
of this amidst the fullness of the torus flow in full possession of the divine, “back in the
saddle again.”
Relax and feel the movement of those angles and curves, the vortex will take
you for a ride, establishing your connection between spirit and matter. We experience
that by balancing the way energy flows within and outside, we arrive at harmonious
Let us observe that the diagram of the Tube Torus Pendant is a view through the central
vertical channel of the Tube Torus. Let us gaze at the pendant alternating between
looking right at the center in stillness, breathing deeply and while doing so, seeing
peripherally what is happening around, and then swinging the gaze in a circular
fashion around the periphery and then returning to the center. In movement there is
the depth of stillness and in stillness there is the wideness of movement.